The Femme Fatal Car Mechanic - Fan belts and Pantyhose

Car Mechanics: Fixing Fan Belts with Panty Hose Stockings.

Car fan belt fixed by pantyhose

My vintage car broke down ... again. I opened the bonnet and noticed that it ws the fan belt that had snapped, naughty fan belt!

That's what you get when you have a soft spot for vintage cars. I sighed, once again I would be waiting for the mechanic on the side of the road. Hot desert sun burning down on me. 

But then I remembered you could subsitute a fanbelt with panty hose. Luckily I was wearing a brand new pair of flesh colored nylon pantyhose. So this time I wouldn't have to wait for a roadside mechanic.

For those of you who are curious to know more details on  how to fix your car with pantyhose, here's how.

1. Take off your pantyhose. Any colour of pantyhose will do, with ladders or without. 

2. Simply tie the pantyhose in a knot to fit around your car's engine where the fan belt was.

3. When securely in place drive off down the road!

Car mechanics fix car with pantyhose

I love the fact that a gorgeously sexy and seemingly fragile accessory, like the sleek nylon stocking, can be tied into the interior of the bulk of a grotty oiled engine and hey presto it works again.

It seems contrary to sensible logic. 

The insides of engines are usually seriously blokey territory (sorry for failing as a feminist). So Hip Horah and Yay for the pioneering spirit of the feminie pantyhose. Venturing her lady like spirit into this masculine terrain. 
I commend her for slipping her perfect smooth nylon and coursing it through the clanking clunking metal of the engine so I can glide my car once more along the highway.

Use pantyhose to fix car
And here's the little ladies themselves.
If you are worried your fan belt will pop you can keep a pair of pantyhose in your boot, any colour or pattern will suffice.

Driving off into the midday sun, I giggle to myself as I realised I wasn't wearing stockings but my classy vintage car was. 

Sleek gorgeous pantyhose fix fanbelt
